I had a great long weekend which involved a show at the comedy festival which wasn't the greatest but still made me laugh, lots of little chocolate easter eggs, vegan cupcakes made by me (see below), a party, some actual housework, lots of fun family time, explorations around north melbourne and Asian supermarkets (in the city), a long leisurely bike ride with Claire and lots more that I can't remember.
This was my 2nd attempt at making cupakes. Mr first attempt was xmas time when I made about 80 and Mr T dropped them all face down before anyone got to try them. I was hesitant about going through all the effort again but it was worth it. I made them and Mr T make the icing and put extra pineapple on top and everyone loved the mini ones on the bottom. The recipe is from vegan lunch box cookbook.
Sorry for the crappy pic, but that's all I have:
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