I come home today from uni and the tv was already on Oprah. I overheard part of the program as I made myself a drink and plonked myself in front of tv to watch the rest and then I cried.
What I witnessed was a clip from the 'Dying Rooms' documentary:
the filmmakers showed the unbelievable living conditions in the orphanages they came across. They also found an actual "dying room" where an unwanted baby girl was left 10 days earlier to die. She was named Mei Ming, which means "no name." Mei Ming gave up on her fight to live four days after the filmmakers filmed her. The orphanage denied she ever existed, but the film proves otherwise.
What I witnessed is probably hard to imagine but the image seems burned into my skull now, its probably best described by true vision/sun morning post-1995:
Mei-ming has lain this way for 10 days now: tied up in urine-soaked blankets, scabs of dried mucus growing across her eyes, her face shrinking to a skull, malnutrition slowly shrivelling her two-year old body. The orphanage staff call her room the "dying room", and they have abandoned here for the very same reasons her parents abandoned her shortly after she was born. She is a girl.
It also went on to show a part of Lisa Ling's documentary on what is happening now(well 2004 it's an old episode):
Lisa found that baby girls are still being either aborted or abandoned by the thousands and boys outnumber girls by 17 million. Although the one child per family policy still stands, Lisa says families do have sons and daughters. "In the countryside, you can have more than one child. If your first child is a girl you can try to then have a boy," Lisa says. "The problem is that no matter how you try, you can't force yourself to have a boy. So if you continue to have girls, a lot of these families, they continue to give away or kill baby girls until they have a boy, and some may never have a baby boy.
It also showed American families adopting chinese girls and the actual moment where they saw the girls for the first time and again I cried a little more.
Then I messaged Mr T and said 'when and if we decide to have children I want to adopt a girl from China'.