If you read any veg food blog you would have come across rave reviews everywhere about these chickpea cutlets fom Veganomicon. So I decided to eat them prior to getting my wisdom teeth out to treat myself while I could still eat chewy normal food.
They were ok but the texture seems a bit weird and they only seemed to have a hint of flavour. I haven't ruled them out completely yet though, since it may have been caused by Mr T baking them rather than frying them or that he didn't knead them enough (we don't normally knead in this house) or that he used corn flake crumbs instead of regular breadcrumbs (my fault I got them) or that he made them too thick. Besides, we have a big bag of gluten flour left to use.
Speaking of Mr T and his cooking, he figured that since he now does the majority of the cooking (due to the fact that I lost my cooking mojo and he still has his) he is going to start a food blog. I'll provide the link once it is up and running. I think it's great, there are not nearly enough male food bloggers !
would you happen to know where one could find wheat gluten in melbourne? cheers.
Yes you can find gluten flour at most health food shops. I got it from the health food shop at Barkly Square in Brunswick.
Hey Kristy, I hope you're feeling better! Later today I'm posting my version of the chickpea cutlet recipe, which is un-stringy and more flavourful. Corn flake crumbs sounds like it would be a good idea, especially since store-bought bread crumbs all seem to have tuna oil in them. Yuck.
Hey Kristy,
When your teeth are better (hope that's soon!!) use your gluten flour to make the Seitan O' Greatness from the PPK forum..that stuff is AMAZING. My house went through a loaf in one day, so delicious!
I also need to work on my chickpea cutlets technique, they are a little too...chewy..or doughy tasting..do you find that too??
Feel better!!
Buttons, I will check it out, thanks!
Yes I agree they were too doughy.
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