Dirt Poor
On sat a friend of mine asked me if I was interested in a room at his place which will be vacant shortly. Not only would it save me from the craziness of my family household but its also a gorgeous little house in a great location and I think he would be a pretty cool roommate too. I wanted desperately to scream 'yes, when can I move in?' Instead I had to decline the offer, sob sob.
At least while I was studying I could reply that i'm simply a 'poor student'. Now i'm just plain old POOR.
I have about $5 left til pay day on thursday and its also car expenses time of the year again. Arghhhhh.
So job hunting time again (I really do need two jobs or one better paying one).
On a more positive note though I've just realised that I have all the ingredients to make chocolate chip cookies, forget the image of the thin Kristy ha ha.
To help pass some time (without any cost) I've discovered some really odd things to do for free at Bored. Anyone else have any suggestions?
Tofu Shoten
2 days ago
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